E3 Category: Coverstory 18-03
E-3 Cover Story March 2018
22 February 2018
Josef Packowski, CEO of Camelot Consulting Group, and Steffen Joswig, Managing Director at Camelot Innovative Technologies Lab, are the blockchain pioneers of the SAP community. Here they explain the megatrend and the opportunities for existing SAP customers.
22 February 2018
Blockchains are generally incompatible with trustworthy processing of private data. While "trustworthy" is one of blockchain's central features, as far as the attribute "private" is concerned, the technology must by definition surrender.
22 February 2018
Traditional business models are more than ever being called into question, reappraised and turned on their head. Completely new approaches are emerging. "Blockchain" is the word increasingly being heard in connection with this digital upheaval.
22 February 2018
When it comes to blockchain, but also in relation to other technological megatrends, the question for companies is: Is the technology even relevant for my company? In which areas does its use make the most sense and what added value does it bring me?
22 February 2018
To help companies cope with challenges such as data privacy, data ownership or complex intransparent processes across value chains, the digitalization specialist Camelot Innovative Technologies Lab (ITLab) has developed the Hypertrust Platform.
22 February 2018
The use of blockchain technology beyond the financial sector is picking up the pace. Yet there is still a lot of homework to be done.