E3 Category: Cover story 18-02
E-3 Cover Story February 2018
January 23, 2018
The realization is crystallizing in the SAP community that there is hardly any way around Hana and S/4. There will be a very hard deadline by 2030. Those who can't show a migration roadmap for Hana and S/4 this year will have a timing problem. SAP partner Data Migration Services has the answers. With the Board of Directors and...
January 23, 2018
Pressure to innovate and new compliance requirements are weighing heavily on the IT budgets of existing SAP customers. A central platform for data migration, historization and evaluation helps to shut down legacy systems, reduce operating costs and meet the requirements of the EU-DSGVO.
January 23, 2018
Japanese brewing group Asahi is decommissioning 25 legacy systems in Central and Eastern Europe, permanently reducing its operating costs for accessing legacy data.
January 23, 2018
Existing SAP customers know: Sooner or later, all roads lead to SAP S/4 Hana. But which of them is the fastest and easiest? The Swiss Zur Rose Group knows the shortcut: decommissioning the legacy systems.