E3 Category: Cover story 17-05
E-3 Cover Story May 2017
April 27, 2017
The medium-sized IT systems house Allgeier covers all relevant topics for existing SAP customers and complements SAP solutions with its own innovative answers. Allgeier thus offers a breadth and depth of SAP expertise that can hardly be found elsewhere. Allgeier CEO Jörg Dietmann spoke with E-3 Editor-in-Chief Peter M. Färbinger about the megatrends.
April 27, 2017
Allgeier decided to complete its IT product portfolio by setting up an SAP business unit with Allgeier Enterprise Services (ES). The targeted growth could not be realized with classic methods. Therefore, innovative approaches to business development and process implementation had to be chosen right from the start.
April 27, 2017
Retailers need not fear the digital transformation, but should use its potential to win customers and thus shoppers back to local stores with innovative technologies: The store is transforming from a point of sale to a point of experience. IoT technology can help to significantly improve the shopping experience.
July 2, 2015
The digital transformation is opening up completely new opportunities for the manufacturing industry. In a smart factory, the value chain is networked with the help of modern technologies. Even a very large number of product variants in any batch size up to "batch size 1" can be manufactured economically.