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Deleting Cloud Data Is Good For IT And Nature

On top of the ongoing global pandemic, the world is also facing a climate crisis. Everyone can do their part - not only by recycling or saving water, but also by deleting obsolete data.
Winfried Althaus, KGS Software
30. Oktober 2020
[shutterstock: 260654201]

There are countless reality TV shows that tell us how to combat our need to hoard stuff we think we might need again in the future. For example, in one of the most popular ones, ‘Tidying up With Marie Kondo’, the host tells contestants to only keep things that spark joy. As a society, we seem to have recognized the importance of keeping our living space decluttered. The same cannot be said for most desktops and hard drives, however. Especially the ambiguous cloud with its promise of unlimited storage capacity tempts users to store data just for the hell of it – there’s enough space, right? Well, technically, yes – because we have been heavily investing in building and maintaining gigantic datacenters. In 2018, seventeen percent of the total carbon footprint caused by technology were due to datacenters. The electricity that is needed to run these data centers is nearly 30 billion watts. These servers waste 90 percent of the energy they use because they run on full capacity all day long. These facts alone make data centers hazardous to the environment, which is why many companies are doing their best to change these facts. However, individual users can do their part by simply deleting data that no longer spark joy.

Winfried Althaus, KGS Software

Winfried Althaus ist CEO von KGS Software.

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Die Arbeit an der SAP-Basis ist entscheidend für die erfolgreiche S/4-Conversion. 

Damit bekommt das sogenannte Competence Center bei den SAP-Bestandskunden strategische Bedeutung. Unhabhängig vom Betriebsmodell eines S/4 Hana sind Themen wie Automatisierung, Monitoring, Security, Application Lifecycle Management und Datenmanagement die Basis für den operativen S/4-Betrieb.

Zum zweiten Mal bereits veranstaltet das E3-Magazin in Salzburg einen Summit für die SAP-Community, um sich über alle Aspekte der S/4-Hana-Basisarbeit umfassend zu informieren.


FourSide Hotel Salzburg,
Trademark Collection by Wyndham
Am Messezentrum 2, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich


Mittwoch, 21. Mai, und
Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2025

Reguläres Ticket

EUR 590 exkl. USt.


Hotel Hilton Heidelberg
Kurfürstenanlage 1
D-69115 Heidelberg


Mittwoch, 5. März, und
Donnerstag, 6. März 2025


Reguläres Ticket
EUR 590 exkl. USt
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