How companies really use AR and VR

"The idea of augmented and virtual reality, which has long been shaped by science fiction films, is already a reality in some areas of the economy," says Niklas Veltkamp, member of the Bitkom Executive Board.
One in five companies in Germany (20 percent) already uses individual VR or AR applications. A further 36% are planning or discussing the use of VR in their company, while the figure for AR is 29%. These are the results of a representative survey of 605 companies with 20 or more employees in Germany commissioned by the digital association Bitkom.
The fundamental importance of the technologies is assessed similarly: 57% believe that virtual reality is very important for the competitiveness of their company, while the figure for augmented reality is 48%. Training, education and further training are at the top of the list of applications for augmented reality, with two thirds (64%) of companies that use AR or are currently planning or discussing it mentioning this area. This is closely followed by design and planning (60 percent).
From the perspective of companies that use, plan to use or are discussing the use of virtual reality, the main area of application is in design and planning (74%). This is followed by training, education and further training (61%) and collaboration (46%).