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AI And SAP: Beneficial Combination?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has enormous potential, making it one of the most disruptive technologies of our time. SAP seems to have gotten the message as well.
Maximilian Johannes, Allgeier
17. August 2020
[shutterstock: 1089540200, PopTika]

There are countless science-fiction stories about artificial intelligence (AI for short). Technologies that emulate or surpass human intelligence are fascinating, not only on the big screen. For decades, scientists have concerned themselves with creating artificial intelligence akin to our own.

They’ve partially succeeded: weak AI can autonomously make decisions. While they still lack understanding of the underlying task (weak AI knows what to do, but not what it is doing), these kinds of solutions have enormous potential. Automation is one of the key words here.

ERP systems also benefit from AI technology – posing the question: Which, if any, AI solutions is SAP offering customers to upgrade and enhance their existing system landscapes?

Maximilian Johannes, Allgeier

Maximilian Johannes ist Solution Architect im Retail Innovation Team von Allgeier ES.

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Damit bekommt das sogenannte Competence Center bei den SAP-Bestandskunden strategische Bedeutung. Unhabhängig vom Betriebsmodell eines S/4 Hana sind Themen wie Automatisierung, Monitoring, Security, Application Lifecycle Management und Datenmanagement die Basis für den operativen S/4-Betrieb.

Zum zweiten Mal bereits veranstaltet das E3-Magazin in Salzburg einen Summit für die SAP-Community, um sich über alle Aspekte der S/4-Hana-Basisarbeit umfassend zu informieren.


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EUR 590 exkl. USt
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