Study by Precisely and ASUG: Ambivalent Digitalization

According to a recent study by Precisely and ASUG, 87 percent of executives believe that while SAP automation is important to achieve digital transformation goals, it slows down processes in terms of data and organizational complexity. What does this mean?
The recently published "State of SAP Automation" report in collaboration with Americas' SAP Users' Group (ASUG) reveals important findings that are also relevant for the German market. Digital transformation plays a decisive role because existing SAP customers expect it to increase efficiency and cut costs. 55% of respondents see process automation and the associated SAP data as an important factor for digital transformation.
However, although business leaders clearly recognize the value of automation, acceptance is still low. According to the study, 95 percent of the companies surveyed use automation to a low to medium extent. The reasons for this are not always clear. Fear of data misuse plays an important role. Therefore, particular attention must be paid to thorough and complete data integrity.
Interest in automation is increasing, mainly due to the explosion of innovation in the field of AI and machine learning. Gartner estimates that companies worldwide will have invested more than one trillion US dollars in hyperautomation by 2026, with process automation growing by twelve percent annually. Despite the great interest, automation still faces some obstacles.
"Automation drives efficiency in a big way - something ASUG members are constantly trying to improve," said an ASUG Research spokesperson. "It's encouraging to see the results organizations report when they've successfully implemented automation processes: 74 percent say they've increased efficiency, and the same percentage say it has reduced manual or menial work." Reliable data integrity is key to the success of digital transformation The complexity of SAP master data and the automation of maintenance processes pose a challenge for many companies. Reliable and secure data integrity must therefore be guaranteed from the very beginning of a digitalization process. This ensures data quality and prevents errors.