New3 Economy
We could therefore be looking at a New New Economy that combines growth and prosperity with sustainability and ecology.
We learned a lot from the financial crisis, but implemented very little. This time, we should not only analyze stringently, but also take action and make lasting corrections - no more repair service behavior! For the SAP community, this means: S/4, but according to its own rules.
The SAP community has settled down, the direction is Hana and S/4. A lot will have to change in the global economy. Business processes need to be adapted.
Many of these challenges can be solved with S/4. SAP will have to make its contribution because the economic framework conditions are changing. The SAP community needs more flexible and cheaper licenses - breathing systems! A simple and understandable PKL.
Daily rates and consulting expenses will be adapted to the new environmental conditions. Much will change in the community, but the direction will remain the same: Hana and S/4.
Starting with the New3 Economy can already be used in the home office today. Budgets for the "release change" may not be available until next year. But we should start now with SAP's digital transformation "Hana and S/4".