SAP on the ECJ's Safe Harbor ruling
Accordingly, SAP offers its customers a high level of protection. SAP finds this easier than many other companies because we have large cloud capacities in Europe and can also offer services and support locally.
SAP has growing data center capacities in Europe, the USA and many other countries, and always strives to offer customers services locally in accordance with the regulations that apply to them.
However, our flexibility alone does not solve the industry's problems. Legal and planning certainty for free and secure data traffic between Europe, the USA and other regions is important not only for us, but for companies in almost all sectors in order to be able to operate data-based business models successfully.
This is already true today, but even more so for the future. The creation of many new jobs also depends on this. Our wish for the political decision-makers is therefore to create a uniform, reliable and predictable legal framework that does not isolate Europe from the rest of the world.
Our vision is a single digital market in Europe where it is irrelevant where data is stored. This market should be fundamentally open and have clear and cleverly defined interfaces to all other digital legal systems.
We hope that the European Union and the USA will intensify their work on a new version of the Safe Harbor Agreement and create a clear and reliable framework for transatlantic data traffic.
This should include voluntary commitments by the industry, sanction mechanisms in the event of unauthorized data disclosure and smart processes in the event of data theft.
When developing and discussing the safe harbor update, regular consultations between politics and business are helpful in order to ensure that the regulations are as realistic as possible.