Strategic role assumed

The research and analyst firm Techconsult was commissioned by Infinidat to investigate how German companies have adapted their IT strategies in the wake of the pandemic and positioned themselves for the long term. A total of 102 IT and business decision-makers in companies were asked about their IT budgets and changes in the design of their IT infrastructure for the study, which has now been published and is entitled "Dealing with financial uncertainty in the design of IT infrastructures". The strategic importance of efficient IT infrastructures has increased significantly, not least due to the higher workload caused by working from home and remote activities. Whereas in the past, IT was seen more as a supplier of technology services, it now plays an important role in the strategic orientation of companies.
This is also reflected in the perception at management level. In 65 percent of companies, the IT department is assigned a strategic function. In order to fulfill this strategic role in times of working from home and remote work, IT departments must provide flexible and scalable resources for their companies. It is therefore only logical that 48% of the companies surveyed use a hybrid cloud and plan to expand the use of this model. For the private cloud to play a good role in this constellation, it must offer reliability and scalability in combination with a flexible usage model.