ReqPooL becomes european

The move to the European level was motivated, among other things, by entrepreneurial considerations
The Austrian ReqPooL Group is a management consultancy for software in the German-speaking region. The company already has offices in Linz, Salzburg, Graz and Vienna, as well as in Berlin, Cologne and Amsterdam. Now it is adding offices in Munich and Brussels, where the company not only wants to further internationalize its consulting services and address major international clients, but also represent its political interests. "Digitization, AI and its regulation, as well as the major megatopics of sustainability, energy management and industrial policy are European. This is where we want to and will play our part," the company explains. All these topics require an intelligent digital strategy. The company wants to be involved in this discussion.
"Our clients are corporations, government organizations and international players," explains Achim Röhe, COO of the ReqPooL Group and CEO of ReqPooL Management Consulting. That's why going to Brussels makes sense, he says. The "European Green Deal", the issue of climate neutrality, even tax and financial policy and the regulation of banks - it is always about digital competence, artificial intelligence, algorithms and software solutions. But even their use requires rules and a political framework. "We want to work on these - technologically and argumentatively. To do this, we need to be close to partners and associations. We will find them in Brussels," says Röhe.