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Know how: Data strategy

The Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e. V. (German Digital Industry Association) has published a guide to help companies and organizations develop a data strategy.
E-3 Magazine
31 July 2020
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This text has been automatically translated from German to English.

The guide "Sovereign Handling of Data Products" supports companies and their data scientists in analyzing their own data and evaluating it in the context of a data strategy.

For example, it explains the differences between first-, second-, and third-party data and its use in programmatic advertising. In addition, different types of targeting are explained (profile-based, usage-based and environment-based targeting).

"We see the guide as a basic work for all companies that want to use their own data in a data protection-compliant manner, for example to improve products or to target customers more precisely."

says Siamac Rahnavard, Head of Data Products at BVDW.

The BVDW's data experts have also examined the American IAB Tech Lab's data label from a European perspective, particularly in light of the fact that the basic understanding of meaningful and permissible handling of data in the USA, for example, but also in Asia, is significantly different than in the EU.

New or modified evaluation criteria have emerged, which also take into account the differences between individual types of targeting.

E-3 Magazine

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This gives the Competence Center strategic importance for existing SAP customers. Regardless of the S/4 Hana operating model, topics such as Automation, Monitoring, Security, Application Lifecycle Management and Data Management the basis for S/4 operations.

For the second time, E3 magazine is organizing a summit for the SAP community in Salzburg to provide comprehensive information on all aspects of S/4 Hana groundwork.


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Wednesday, May 21, and
Thursday, May 22, 2025

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Event date

Wednesday, March 5, and
Thursday, March 6, 2025


Regular ticket
EUR 590 excl. VAT
Early Bird Ticket

Available until December 20, 2024

EUR 390 excl. VAT
The event is organized by the E3 magazine of the publishing house AG. The presentations will be accompanied by an exhibition of selected SAP partners. The ticket price includes attendance at all presentations of the Steampunk and BTP Summit 2025, a visit to the exhibition area, participation in the evening event and catering during the official program. The lecture program and the list of exhibitors and sponsors (SAP partners) will be published on this website in due course.