How Cloud Platform, IoT and Chatbots Generate New Business Processes
At present, eleven billion devices are already networked with each other in the Internet of Things; the trend is increasing exponentially - experts assume that as many as 21 billion will be connected by 2020.
With the Internet of Things, flexible and efficient systems are emerging that permanently provide information and act automatically. By means of sensory elements, objects are able to measure data and transmit it to connected computers. Information from the environment is collected, linked and made available in the network.
The dovetailing of analog and digital worlds means enormous commercial potential; this for both consumer and corporate markets (B2C and B2B, B2B2C and B2E respectively).
Within the next few years, IoT is expected to have an economic potential of up to eleven trillion dollars with high growth rates. New service models such as machine learning and chatbots generate significant added value for customers and consumers.
Efficient information processing takes service processes to a new level of quality. For manufacturers, this means more time for important customer interaction and support, as standard queries such as "Where is my product?" are handled by such intelligent models. Multi Language Processing is seen here as a key component for international customer interaction.
All these features require powerful platforms that combine technical infrastructures and database functions with smart business services. SAP Hybris in combination with the digitization services of the SAP Cloud Platform and Conversational AI form the basis for this technological realization.
User Centric Design
Putting the customer benefit in the foreground and realizing the project of "Discovery - Design - Develop - Deploy" is seen as a key factor in digitization.
Intelligent mobile apps and industry-specific end-to-end processes open the way to the highest level of digital transformation.
In the B2B environment, the mobile aspect is becoming increasingly interesting. 80 percent of all buyers in the B2B environment use mobile devices and already 50 percent of inquiries are made through them.
But it is not only the mobile interfaces themselves that are relevant here, but also the redefinition of corporate processes. "We change the way people work" is the slogan in the foreground here, and the new technologies make it possible to bring together a wide variety of information at a single point.
360° view of the target group
Regardless of the industry and product, there are immediate opportunities for growth. Production and service processes can be automated in a stable manner and new product and service offerings can be created.
More comprehensive and precise user and customer information provides an unprecedented 360° view of the target group. Corresponding commerce software solutions enable precise decisions and offers based on this information - in real time. Those who understand these advantages will dominate markets with completely new business models.
Service-oriented service portfolios beyond rigid sales maxims and industry boundaries are already a reality - networked, adaptive systems and forward-looking business models make it possible. For those who are willing to invest and rethink, a virtual hype can quickly turn into a real business opportunity.