DSAG Statement on C/4 Hana

According to market researcher Gartner, the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) market grew to approximately 33.75 billion euros in 2017 - and the trend is rising.
Soon, CRM could earn more than the database business and thus become one of the largest software markets in the world. It is understandable that SAP wants to make its mark in this dynamic market. The software manufacturer must show that C/4 Hana is more than just a "marketing label.
C/4 Hana is expected to be a product that offers a consistent and integrated solution approach that bundles SAP solutions in marketing, sales and customer service, which are now difficult to manage. The step towards consolidation is right and good.
As the representative body for SAP users in German-speaking countries, we are convinced that the software manufacturer is addressing the challenges arising from this consolidation process.
Particularly in an existing customer market such as we have in the DACH region, the focus is on questions of added value, changeover scenarios and appropriate support.
Here we see SAP as having a duty to answer questions at an early stage, and as a user community we are happy to provide support.