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Central information platform for S/4

Time is a rare commodity today. Therefore, the necessary information for successful planning approaches of such difficult IT projects must be offered promptly and appropriately structured via a central platform.
John N. Szalachy
May 6, 2021
This text has been automatically translated from German to English.

The fast-moving times of IT technology would allow the expectation that SAP S/4 will have achieved a corresponding market penetration after six years. SAP itself will not be satisfied with the number of S/4 transformation projects actually set live in relation to the global customer volume.

However, SAP must be given credit for the fact that much has been achieved in a new development of this dimension, where in fact no stone has been left unturned. The reasons for some delays may be manifold, but these experiences from projects should better prepare the reader.

At the beginning of the S/4 transformation process, many customers ask themselves the question: How do I get all the necessary information for a good overview of this comprehensive topic as quickly and efficiently as possible? The most important sources for this are quickly identified with SAP, consultants, DSAG and also E-3 Magazine. From this point on, the big challenge begins.

One reason for this is the accompanying information strategy on the subject of S/4 Hana. There is no lack of quantity or quality; on the contrary, there is probably even a surplus of information. The problem lies in the provision, bundled on a central information platform.

From the customer's point of view, there is hardly any time available besides the day-to-day business to prepare all the important and necessary facts about the project via or the other sources. Various tools and programs, such as the Adoption Starter, Move, etc., support the planning phase, but do not solve the time-consuming task of combining information.

One of the practical solution suggestions is heard again and again: With SAP Activate, a proven project management method has been created where project information is also already available. Therefore, it would make sense and be efficient to provide only this platform as the central S/4 information platform for customers.

In addition to the provision, the lack of sustainability of the information content also causes major problems for customers during planning. To put it bluntly, much of today's information is no longer valid tomorrow. Even though there is a lot of talk about agility today, successful planning requires stability. Short-lived solution approaches have nothing to do with agility. After all, it is not enough to simply reassemble teams and prescribe agile ways of working "from above.

After preparing all the necessary information, I recommend planning in two independent phases. The main reason for this is that for certain measures the necessary information must be available at very different points in time. The first phase serves to provide an overall view at the aggregated management level, where important decisions must already be made. This includes the definition and execution of necessary preliminary work for the following main project.

For the overall picture, management must be informed and involved accordingly. This includes coordination with the corporate and IT strategy as well as the implementation of the internal approval process to release the project.

At the same time, the following measures should definitely be brought forward because they cost a lot of time and are a prerequisite for carrying out the implementation project: This applies above all to the many tasks under the collective term data management. But also the personnel work package with the topics of team building, training, admissions and succession planning, because people and knowledge are the most important social skills for a successful project.

The second planning phase covers the entire project management for the S/4 implementation project according to the proven method of SAP Activate and its phases, with the exception of the measures listed above and those brought forward.

John N. Szalachy

is an SAP consultant and DSAG working group spokesperson Austria. His company specializes in S/4 project work.

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Working on the SAP basis is crucial for successful S/4 conversion. 

This gives the Competence Center strategic importance for existing SAP customers. Regardless of the S/4 Hana operating model, topics such as Automation, Monitoring, Security, Application Lifecycle Management and Data Management the basis for S/4 operations.

For the second time, E3 magazine is organizing a summit for the SAP community in Salzburg to provide comprehensive information on all aspects of S/4 Hana groundwork.


More information will follow shortly.

Event date

Wednesday, May 21, and
Thursday, May 22, 2025

Regular ticket

EUR 590 excl. VAT


Hotel Hilton Heidelberg
Kurfürstenanlage 1
D-69115 Heidelberg

Event date

Wednesday, March 5, and
Thursday, March 6, 2025


Regular ticket
EUR 590 excl. VAT
The event is organized by the E3 magazine of the publishing house AG. The presentations will be accompanied by an exhibition of selected SAP partners. The ticket price includes attendance at all presentations of the Steampunk and BTP Summit 2025, a visit to the exhibition area, participation in the evening event and catering during the official program. The lecture program and the list of exhibitors and sponsors (SAP partners) will be published on this website in due course.