Data as a driver of digital transformation - it's a matter of unearthing the treasure trove of data

The statement made by Canada's President Justin Trudeau at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year will have given some IT managers currently involved in digitization and transformation food for thought: "The pace of change has never been this fast, yet it will never be this slow again."
Requirements change rapidly; what is fast today will be outdated tomorrow. Those who are not ready will be left behind. This may sound exaggerated, but in many cases it leads to actionism.
This often leaves little time for an inward look at the reality of the company, existing structures and familiar processes. In addition, there are systems that have often grown over years and decades and contain unbelievable amounts of data, of which only a small proportion is used; the rest lies dormant in silos and folders - or has already been completely forgotten.
Preparing the ground for the future
However, comprehensive evaluation, precise planning and, not least, the involvement of all stakeholders are essential for successful change and also for ensuring that new systems are used efficiently and form a solid basis for the future.
Datavard supports companies with clever software solutions and comprehensive consulting to consistently tackle transformations and prepare the ground for future challenges: Together with customers and supported by tools, for example, data is classified, consistently tidied up and monitored in the new system.
Migrations can be carried out in the approach that suits the customer - greenfield or even selectively "colorful" and in "near-zero downtime", i.e. without lengthy outages.
For all the focus on data, people always remain firmly in view at Datavard. The realization that the best results can only be achieved together is firmly anchored - and so every project becomes a team effort.
Datavard's experts take care of solutions personally and like a good friend, translating complex data scenarios. Datavard also has an answer to questions about SAP data integration for Big Data, for holistic analyses, or to use Machine Learning and AI profitably:
Datavard Glue enables true integration between SAP and Big Data platforms such as MS Azure, Amazon AWS, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, SAP Data Hub, SAP certified RDBMS and many more. Datavard Glue thus opens SAP for Data Scientists and enables Big Data for SAP professionals.

Where to put the legacy systems?
Data is also crucial when migrating to S/4 Hana. Because only those who tidy up beforehand and precisely select the data to be migrated can operate the new solution leanly and efficiently.
Because "data deconsolidation" is not possible simply by deleting it - in some cases, legal requirements oblige companies to store data for decades, as is the case with formulations in the pharmaceutical industry or at chemical companies - clever storage solutions are needed.
Datavard DataFridge is the solution when it comes to "freezing" data or entire legacy systems in inexpensive (cloud) storage. When old systems are no longer needed, for example due to the transformation to S/4 Hana, it is time to decommission them.
Not least due to its many years of experience in SAP SLO projects, Datavard was recently appointed by SAP as one of currently four globally selected partners for data transformation to S/4 Hana.
Members of the Selective Data Transition Engagement Working Group offer a valid third option to companies for whom traditional migration scenarios are not a good fit.
Datavard has been driving this selective approach for some time now under the term "colorful" and, thanks to comprehensive workshops and precise analyses, enables customers to take an individual approach tailored to their needs.