Advertising means thinking about the future
What is the state of the global economy? It is difficult to get a quick, consistent and thus satisfactory answer. What can be observed: There is hardly any forward-looking and sustainable action!
What used to be done sequentially in quiet lanes is now parallelized and answers must be given in real time - which means that the question must be answered the moment it is asked.
If you live in "real time" and your order books are full, you are unlikely to "waste" valuable time planning for the future and the very last thing on your mind is advertising.
What's the point of building up a "name" through market communication - of an editorial and advertising nature - if the orders are currently almost impossible to handle anyway? Relationship management, advertising and communication do not work without a plan. To plan, you have to pause, analyze and structure.
Mao's heirs show foresight: Multi-year annual plans are a characteristic of communist-ruled countries. In China, this approach is ubiquitous: the prudence and discipline to plan as well as the holistic implementation of a decided plan. In this, today's China is one step ahead of the world.
An example? The past World Cup was full of advertisements with Chinese characters. A mistake? An oversight? Who could read these characters, who knew the company names and logos?
In China, it was decided to build up a soccer scene, develop enthusiasm for the sport, and then one day host the World Cup in their own country. A bold plan.
For the domestic and global audience, the first milestone has now been cleverly set with Chinese advertising messages. Don't wait, act, seems to be the motto.
Advertising means thinking about the future: What was shown at the World Cup in terms of advertising is very impressive. Accordingly, this was not about quick and "cheap" effects, but about strategic thinking: The plan is a World Cup in China.
Investing in the future through market communication - this can be observed very clearly with the major car manufacturers. Every child can name the leading German car companies and distinguish the models on the road. This is market communication at its best.
Even though only a small fraction of the population can afford an S-Class, it is advertised in mass-circulation newspapers and daily papers. Those responsible know why and are by no means careless with their advertising millions.
Relationship management, advertising and communication are found marginally in the SAP community: But what distinguishes investing in a truck fleet from investing in SAP Hybris?
Why do the large SAP consulting and system houses invest so little in advertising and communication? Friendships need to be nurtured. Relationships thrive on communication.
Those who invest in advertising - online, print, events - ensure their success in the future. Other industries have successfully demonstrated this, and we in the "young" SAP community should follow suit.