German economy sees itself on the right track
Companies believe that the German economy is making good progress with digitalization and give it a positive report card in an international comparison. For example, 36% see the German economy in the top group, with a further 2% even ranking it first worldwide.
Virtually no one considers them to be lagging behind and only 13% say that the German economy is one of the digital stragglers, while 44% see it in the middle of the pack. This is the result of a representative survey of 505 companies with 20 or more employees commissioned by the digital association Bitkom.
"Many companies are tackling the digital challenges with confidence"
says Bitkom President Achim Berg.
"Too rarely, however, do digital innovations become marketable products and new business models. And we need to do more to ensure that all those companies that are still struggling with digitalization are also included."