Solution strategies in the "game with fear

Players such as consultants, add-0n and third-party system providers shirk binding statements and refuse to take responsibility. This "game with fear" becomes an interdisciplinary challenge in terms of technology, processes, interfaces, law, IT and purchasing strategy.
A game that blocks or prevents innovations. SAP and DSAG sell the innovations as a confidence-building measure. So far, SAP has threatened its customers with harsh consequences for in-compliance without being able to substantiate them.
Now it has found a way to measure indirect usage in its own system and add a euro amount to its demands. The fact that SAP usage will thus become significantly more expensive and that SAP customers will in future have to pay for every form of interoperability in addition to order-to-cash and procure-to-pay scenarios is lost in the communication from SAP and DSAG.
Instead of being frightened, it is important to define a strategy objectively and to formulate it as a solution:
1. standstill strategy:
No one is forcing you to act as long as you are not vulnerable. In that case, the objective assessment of compliance risk takes priority.
2. non-SAP strategy:
If a strategic supplier plays monopolistically, one solution may be to reduce dependency and develop an independent IT product strategy.
In this case, the "wild card" of an old contract, with which many claims can be eliminated, is ideal. Here, too, it is important to evaluate possible compliance risks, solve them technically if necessary, and establish rules for a secure architecture in the future.
3. pro-SAP strategy:
Here, it is important to safeguard the future with a good contract in order to find commercially acceptable solutions or to effectively save costs.
In addition to a solution for the remaining indirect use, the focus of this strategy is on a clean solution for leases without pitfalls, a suitable user model for direct access, flexibility for innovation and price stability so as not to jeopardize the business case for SAP-supported business models.
In all cases, the right solution must and can ensure investment protection and provide the necessary flexibility for future innovation.