Recruiting in the pandemic
The Corona crisis has given digitization a boost. In many companies, home offices and digital collaboration have now become a matter of course. If personal contact is not possible, this also has an impact on recruiting. As a Stepstone study shows, 60 percent of all job interviews in May 2020 already took place via video chat.
In this way, candidates and companies can at least get to know each other virtually in times of social distancing. Many HR departments have found that this works extremely well and will certainly continue to use live video interviews even after the pandemic. After all, the technology helps to make the applicant process faster and easier.
Digital interviews are another step on the way to a completely digital applicant process. Application processes must not only be fast, but also leave a positive impression on the candidate. This is important in two respects: on the one hand, to successfully conclude a contract, and on the other, to strengthen the employer brand.
Conversely, a poor candidate experience can have a negative impact on employer branding. For example, a CareerBuilder study found that more than half of applicants would not shop again at a company where they had a bad experience during an application. The key to success lies in a recruiting approach that focuses on the candidate and seeks to ensure a positive impression at all stages of the candidate journey.