New Construction or Retrofitting?
Data center
Data centers must not fail in today's highly digitalized world. However, many of the 30,000 to 50,000 data centers, server rooms and server cabinets in Germany are getting on in years and do not meet today's security standards or high energy efficiency requirements. Many companies are therefore faced with the question: new construction or upgrading? More and more are opting for an upgrade, the data center refit.
Data centers and server rooms are key components of successful companies. However, their use has changed dramatically in recent years. Be it due to technical changes (virtualization, cloud, etc.), new standards (DIN 50600) or new demands and requirements for energy efficiency (Blue Angel). On-prem data centers in particular are too large, too inefficient for today's needs. Where just a few years ago there were ten or twenty packed server racks, today there are perhaps two or three and one for the network. Since in very few cases are the entire IT applications placed in the cloud, but rather hybrid solutions are implemented, the on-premises data centers or server rooms are still part of the IT strategy, but often expensive and inefficient.
If individual areas are upgraded, it is important not to forget to adapt all other trades to the new situation. Companies can benefit in many ways from upgrading their data centers. The reliability and availability of the IT infrastructure are increased and maintained.