Innovative power instead of resource guzzlers
Without thorough testing, hardly any company can implement a new software release with a good feeling - this is especially true for business-critical SAP applications. But how can testing efforts not become a drain on resources, but instead support the company's innovative strength?
The following tips will help you answer and implement this question. SAP is pursuing an ambitious, cloud-focused innovation strategy. 40 percent of hybrid and cloud customers are seizing this opportunity and updating monthly, 44 percent already daily. Those whose testing strategy is not agile and lean enough to support this new reality are either failing to realize their innovation potential or exposing themselves to extreme business risk.
Companies need to keep moving and take up the challenge - if you stand still, you fall behind. What's more, on average 67 percent of functionally performed tests offer no added value. You could even say that they are a complete waste of time. The good news is that companies can cover the majority of their risks with just a few tests - but they need a scalpel, not an axe.
Rapid risk assessments and structured test case design methods help to determine which tests cover 80 percent of the most important business risks. Companies should retain or create these tests. The rest can be safely left out and need not be created in the future.