The global and independent platform for the SAP community.
Imprint | The E-3 Magazine


It is now common practice in editorial texts to use gender-neutral wording and to avoid the generic masculine form (i.e. the masculine form, which stands for all genders). For reasons of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is avoided in E3 publications. All personal designations apply equally to all genders. We therefore use the generic masculine, which applies to all gender identities. AG | E-3 Publishing House
Münchener Str. 8,
83395 Freilassing

Phone: +49 8654 77130-0
Fax: +49 8654 77130- 24

Commercial register
Commercial Register B Traunstein, HRB 26391


Supervisory Board
Walter Stöllinger (Chairman)
Volker Löhr
Michael Kramer

Board of Directors
Peter M. Färbinger (Chairman, Finance, Controlling and Organization)

Peter M. Färbinger

Editor-in-Chief E3-DACH & Int.
Peter M. Färbinger,
Phone: +49 8654 77130-21

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Robert Korec,
Phone: +49 8654 77130-19

Web/NL Admin and Content MarCom
Nathalie Frst,
Phone: +49 8654 77130-10

Editing and proofreading E3-DACH
Hanna Ablinger & Martin Gmachl

Sales management, marketing and media consulting
Andrea Schramm,
Phone: +49 8654 77130-15

Marketing and sales management assistance and secretariat
Jakob Thuswaldner
Phone: +49 8654 77130-20

Chief of Service and Managing Editor International
Laura Cepeda,
Phone: +49 8654 77130-16

Graphics, art direction and production
Markus Cekan,
Phone: +49 8654 77130-25

Web Administrator and Programming
GREATsolution on behalf of the WEDEON GmbH

IT Administration & DP/Org
Peter M. Färbinger


Working on the SAP basis is crucial for successful S/4 conversion. 

This gives the Competence Center strategic importance for existing SAP customers. Regardless of the S/4 Hana operating model, topics such as Automation, Monitoring, Security, Application Lifecycle Management and Data Management the basis for S/4 operations.

For the second time, E3 magazine is organizing a summit for the SAP community in Salzburg to provide comprehensive information on all aspects of S/4 Hana groundwork.


FourSide Hotel Salzburg,
Trademark Collection by Wyndham
Am Messezentrum 2, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Event date

Wednesday, May 21, and
Thursday, May 22, 2025

Regular ticket

EUR 590 excl. VAT

Informationen Teilnehmer:

Die nachfolgende Abfrage zur Altersgruppe dient rein statistischen Zwecken. Wir bitten Sie freundlicherweise um eine freiwillige Angabe.


Falls Sie hier Ihre E-Mailadresse angeben, wird Ihre Rechnung ausschließlich per E-Mail nach Veranstaltung an die angegebene Adresse gesendet.

Laut Steuergesetz müssen Firmenbezeichnungen in Rechnungen korrekt sein. Ihre eingegebenen Daten werden zur Rechnungsstellung übernommen.


Hotel Hilton Heidelberg
Kurfürstenanlage 1
D-69115 Heidelberg

Event date

Wednesday, April 22 and
Thursday, April 23, 2026


Regular ticket
EUR 590 excl. VAT
Early Bird Ticket
available until 1.10.2025
EUR 390 excl. VAT
The event is organized by the E3 magazine of the publishing house AG. The presentations will be accompanied by an exhibition of selected SAP partners. The ticket price includes attendance at all presentations of the Steampunk and BTP Summit 2026, a visit to the exhibition area, participation in the evening event and catering during the official program. The lecture program and the list of exhibitors and sponsors (SAP partners) will be published on this website in due course.

Informationen Teilnehmer:

Die nachfolgende Abfrage zur Altersgruppe dient rein statistischen Zwecken. Wir bitten Sie freundlicherweise um eine freiwillige Angabe.


Falls Sie hier Ihre E-Mailadresse angeben, wird Ihre Rechnung ausschließlich per E-Mail nach Veranstaltung an die angegebene Adresse gesendet.

Laut Steuergesetz müssen Firmenbezeichnungen in Rechnungen korrekt sein. Ihre eingegebenen Daten werden zur Rechnungsstellung übernommen.