Simpler always works

The Summit agenda included news about the latest version of cf-for-k8s (Cloud Foundry for Kubernetes) and news from Foundation members.
cf-for-k8s v5
"The initial rush of developers to Kubernetes was a bit misguided"Chip Childers, executive director of the Cloud Foundry Foundation, said at a press conference the day before the summit. "Kubernetes is an infrastructure that is similar to virtual machines in many ways. It's absolutely the next version of infrastructure, it has a lot of potential-but it's infrastructure. The developers who choose to interact directly with Kubernetes are finding that they have to do a lot of work to get from their code to running software. It's a priority of the Cloud Foundry Foundation to make developers' lives easier on this infrastructure."
The latest version of cf-for-k8s (v5) with updates to Cloud Foundry's core components is intended to contribute to this goal. The solution now supports kpack v0.3.1 and Istio v1.9.5 and can be installed on Kubernetes clusters running v1.18 to v1.20. The project has significantly improved the upgrade process for the underlying Istio service mesh networking components and has been updated to support the latest generation of Paketo buildpacks.
What's new?
Foundation members also had some news up their sleeves. For example, Minio announced the availability of its object storage suite on the OpenShift-
platform and the RedHat Marketplace. With a certified Red Hat solution, Minio is now available on every major Kubernetes distribution as well as every major cloud provider.
SAP has also gotten involved: The ERP company has announced the general availability of the new Bosh Stemcell to the Cloud Foundry community. Previously, the Stemcell was created, maintained and released by another company. Since that company decided to stop working on Stemcells, SAP agreed to support the community with a new Stemcell offering and provide security updates for thousands of virtual machines (VMs).
VMware has also done a lot, especially in developing the new technical governance structure of the CFF, which counts transparency and inclusion of community activities among its key goals. The company also led the development of new Cloud Foundry features, including support for HTTP/2 routing. VMware also worked on the first general availability (GA) of the Bionic stem cell line.