Work in Progress
from 22 to 23 March 2023
"Work in Progress" is the motto of the Technology Days 2023 of the German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG) on March 22 and 23 in Mannheim. There is currently a lot in flux on the part of SAP. New products are on the horizon, others will run out of maintenance in the near future, much is in the works, some of it already too long in the view of DSAG. The DSAG Technology Days highlight the current status of important topics and show ways to change the status from "in progress" to "done".

Base Technologies
If you are facing the challenge of running your existing ERP or S/4 landscapes in a highly efficient, fast and agile way, then learn about our fully automated SAP Test and DevOps platform for SAP at the DSAG Technology Days in Mannheim. Learn how our automation technology can help you smoothly execute your S/4HANA transformation and significantly increase the resilience of your business.
Our presentation VP003 on Thursday, 23.03.23, 09:00 a.m. will highlight our new impact analysis for the stress-free SAP S/4HANA journey in detail. With it, you automatically identify the impact of changes in your SAP system and create facts for an optimal basis for decision-making in the context of SAP S/4 implementation and optimization.
How do you harmonize and digitize complex invoicing processes without losing the necessary flexibility?
Swiss Post AG has implemented SAP BRIM as its new "state-of-the-art" billing and invoicing solution and shows how the critical systems for billing physical services have been migrated to the new billing solution while adding new digital and innovative services.
Partner preview day: VP007 - Harmonization of complex invoicing processes with S/4 HANA BRIM on 23.03.2023 from 09:00 to 09:30 a.m.
Further details on Swiss Post's BRIM projects, as well as general information on SAP BRIM and SAP Subscription Billing solutions, will be available at the GTW and Swiss Post booths.
SecurityBridge // NCMI GmbH
At the DSAG Technology Days 2023, security provider SecurityBridge will provide information about the latest developments in the field of SAP security. This includes its latest development: a patch management solution that automatically identifies security patches and enables their installation at the click of a mouse. "One-Click SAP Security Patch Automation" is a feature of SecurityBridge's SAP Security Platform. SAP patch management procedures can thus be automated with a single click.
SecurityBridge is a software manufacturer with headquarters in Ingolstadt, Germany as well as several international locations. In response to the ever-increasing threat posed by cyber attacks, the eponymous SecurityBridge platform offers an attractive and effective security solution for SAP customers.