The global and independent platform for the SAP community.

Summit of the SAP Community: Competence Center

The event was organized by the E-3 publishing house in cooperation with the renowned SAP consultant Johannes N. Szalachy from ASAP@ITCONSULTING. He had 2022 a S/4 column in E-3 Magazine in preparation for upcoming CCC assignments.

The following Summit program offers a download of the respective technical presentations. For further questions, the sponsors and partners also provide the corresponding contact persons. Thus, downstream questions can be answered quickly and easily. And of course there will be another SAP Competence Center Summit in Salzburg next year on June 5 and 6, 2024.

A first insight from Summit 2023 is the certainty that there are numerous partners in the SAP community who have extensive experience in SAP Basis work - from SolMan to Cloud ALM. On the other hand, SAP seems to have little interest in the foundation of the community at the moment. There was a perfect keynote by Uwe Grigoleit, SVP SAP, on the topic of S/4 Hana, Signavio and automated testing, but the more than 100 participants searched in vain for further commitment from SAP.

Without a robust foundation focused on security, automation, testing, monitoring and ALM, SAP's existing customers will not be able to meet challenges such as IT staffing shortages, digital transformation, cyber defense and coding.

If you have any further suggestions or ideas for the SAP Competence Center Summit 2024, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please call me at +49/8654/77130-21 or write to me at
Thank you for your commitment.

The conference language is German.

Peter M. Färbinger
Peter M. Färbinger
Editor in Chief E-3 Magazine
On the way to Hana and S/4, questions arise regarding operating model, S/4 architecture and, of course, basic support. Many of these questions were answered on June 1 and 2 in Salzburg. 


Thursday, June 1, 2023

10.00 to 10.15


Peter M. Färbinger,
E-3 Editor in Chief,

John N. Szalachy

The continuation of the legendary CCC/CCoE Forum will take place in the form of the Competence Center Summit 2023 in Salzburg.

10.15 till 11.00

S/4 Conversion

Dr. Uwe Grigoleit, 
SVP, Customer Evolution Program, SAP

Successful S/4 conversion needs a perfect SAP foundation together with Signavio, Cloud ALM, BTP and test automation

11.00 till 11.45

Possibilities with RAP/CAP, Steampunk and BTP

Christian Knell, SNAP

Christian Knell, 
Managing Director, Snap

Why should on-prem customers (SAP Private Cloud) prepare now for the new possibilities with RAP/CAP, Steampunk and Business Technology Platform? What know-how is needed?

11.45 till 12.30

Legally well equipped for the S/4 conversion

Jana Jentzsch

Dr. Jana Jentzsch, 
Attorney at Law, JIT Legal

The many aspects of new S/4 licenses based on existing SAP systems are a topic for specialists. 

12.30 till 14.00

Exhibition and lunch


Mirabell 4-5 Mirabell 1-3

14.00 till 14.35

Management Services

Markus Hein, MSG Plaut

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hein
Head of BCC AMS and SAP Technology, msg Plaut Austria

Application Management Services: External operation + happy users = freedom for innovation

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    "SAP implementations are the climb. In glide, passengers are well taken care of, storms are flown around, and deviations are quickly corrected. AMS fulfills exactly these tasks: Safe operation through professional handling of incidents and changes. msg Plaut thus relieves the SAP CCC."

    Speaker: Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hein

One-Click Transformation and
S/4 powered by JiVS

Tobias Eberle
Chief Revenue Officer, 
Data Migration International

For a long time, CIOs ignored the data problem. But with the transformation to SAP S/4 Hana, this is no longer possible. 

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    At the latest when it becomes clear how great the effort alone is for the migration and transformation of the legacy data into the new system, completely new solutions are required. No longer a multitude of different tools, but a platform that provides these different tools as functionalities; no longer all data, but only the right data; no longer simply data, but only data of the best quality; and an approach that is technically as uncomplicated as the "brownfield approach" and as flexible as the "greenfield approach" are the order of the day.

    Tobias Eberle has more than 25 years of experience in data management, data archiving and application retirement. As CRO of Data Migration International, he is responsible for providing customers with high quality products and services that help them deliver the best data quality and minimized data volume at the lowest possible cost of ownership.

    Speakers: Tobias Eberle

14.35 to 15.10

TCO of Coding

Johann Fößleitner
Managing Director, Cadaxo

Oliver Wahrstötter
Managing Director, Cadaxo

How continuous training ensures robust and flexible coding. Key learnings from 14 years of product development at Cadaxo in the SAP environment.

SAP License Intelligence

Dr. Michael Sandmeier
Managing Director, Sandmeier Consulting

The S/4 conversion poses major challenges for license management in every respect.

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    In this presentation, you will get a solution overview of current challenges in SAP license management. Together we will look at concrete examples such as the correct handling of S/4 Hana, surveying for SAP authorizations and dealing with SAP cloud management.

    Speakers: Dr. Michael Sandmeier and Hendrik Ramke, both from Sandmeier Consulting

15.10 till 15.45

Productivity tools

Hans Haselbeck
Managing Director, Empirius

From the system copy to the alternative SolMan, the tools for SAP Basis consist of the following

SIVIS Authorization Robot

Stephanie Muñoz
Sales Manager, Sivis

The Future is now: The first virtual role consultant shows how SAP authorization concepts are created. 

15.45 till 16.30

Exhibition and break

16.30 till 17.05

Fujitsu BestPlace - With AI to the optimal hybrid SAP infrastructure

Hendrik Müller, Fujitsu

Dr. Hendrik Müller
Lead Solution Architect,
Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH

Whether on-prem or in the public cloud, with Fujitsu BestPlace you will find the right place for every SAP workload. Using AI-driven optimization, BestPlace generates a hybrid reference architecture that optimally fits your individual requirements and minimizes overall costs.

Fiori and BPM

Bernd Stransky
Principal Solutions Consultant, New Relic

SAP Backend & Fiori End-2-End Observability with Business Process Monitoring - all relevant data (SAP, none SAP) in one platform, easy and fast, without agents.

17.05 till 17.40

Role, authorization,
and user management

Robert Jacob
Head of Governance & Transformation, QuadriO

Lecture unfortunately cancelled!

Role, authorization and user management (in an S/4 conversion project) as a central component of SAP Basis for compliance with governance & compliance guidelines

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    Only an existing user with authorizations in the front and back ends that correspond to his or her responsibilities is able to become correctly active in the system. Taking into account the basic principles of an authorization concept, this not only serves to comply with governance and compliance guidelines, but also contributes to audit-relevant system security.

    Particularly in the context of an S/4 conversion project, there is the opportunity to design and implement a new authorization concept - or to revise the existing one, thus adapting it to the (new) technical and business challenges.

    Speaker: Robert Jakob

Professional and technical Abap transparency

Florian Schnitzhofer
CEO Sysparency

How Continous Documentation of ABAP programs helps to solve the shortage of experts in the SAP area and creates transparency.

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    In this presentation, Mr. Schnitzhofer will introduce the approach and benefits of automated analysis and documentation of SAP Abap based custom programs. Learn how the unique continuous documentation approach of SAP programs and Sysparency's products will solve your Abao expert shortage.

    Sysparency's goal is to make software systems understandable and transparent. Sysparency is a market leader in automated analysis and documentation of SAP custom programs and legacy enterprise software. With our docuWIKI, customers can understand how their SAP enhancements work, make their business software more efficient, upgrade to S/4 Hana, and significantly reduce the need for Abap and software development experts.

    Speaker: Florian Schnitzhofer

17.40 till 18.30


from 19.00

Evening event at the Stiegl Brewery World

Friday, June 2, 2023

08.45 till 09.00


John N. Szalachy

Peter M. Färbinger

Peter M. Färbinger,
E-3 Editor in Chief,

Highlights of the first and following second day and reference to exhibitors and sponsors

09.00 till 09.40

CCC/CCoE strategies and organization

John N. Szalachy

The basic tasks of the CCC/CCoE from the perspective of the IT manager and CCC leader: legacy issues and new challenges

09.40 to 10.10

SAP Observability

Klaus Short
Director Solutions Consulting Central Europe, New Relic

Data-based decisions instead of guesswork: The complexity of SAP installation is notorious. Malfunctions are often difficult to resolve. A modern observability platform speeds up the detection and resolution of these problems.

10.10 to 10.30

SAP Security: Effectively Protect People, Processes and Technologies from Cyber Attacks

Jochen Fischer, No Monkey

Jochen Fischer
CEO, No Monkey

SAP systems are extremely attractive targets for cyber attacks. Protecting business-critical SAP systems is a highly complex task for SAP, IT security and audit departments. Learn from NO MONKEY how to understand, assess and efficiently minimize the attack surface in SAP.

10.30 till 11.00

Exhibition and break


Mirabell 4-5 Mirabell 1-3

11.00 to 11.35

10 reasons not to fire the SAP Basis Admin

Stefan Dunsch, itesys

Stefan Dunsch
Head of Cloud Competence Center, itesys AG

SAP S/4 Hana Transition, cloud technologies, automation, AI attacks and much more. Why do we still need SAP Basis here?

CC in practice

Walter Schinnerer

Walter Schinnerer,
CCC Head of IT Services, Social Insurance

From practice for practice: A CCC inventory and wishes for SAP for a successful release upgrade. 

11.35 to 12.10

Licensing in RISE with SAP

Michael Bohlen

Michael Bohlen
Director IT Performance Strategy - IT Asset Management, TIMETOACT Group

Trust is good, control is better! Opportunities, risks and challenges in licensing in Rise with SAP: A roadmap for migration with concrete recommendations and a practical example.

SolMan and Cloud ALM

Thomas Berger, Fritz Egger Company

Thomas Berger
Team Leader SAP System Operations, Egger Group

The legendary SolMan has not yet had its day. With Cloud Application Lifecycle Management there is a successor

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    SAP Solution Manager support ends in 2027 and the transition to SAP Cloud ALM must be planned. In the coming years, all existing SAP customers who have SolMan in use will have to consider an alternative. We have taken a closer look at the Cloud ALM roadmap and found that we have to look for alternatives for one or the other topic!

    The Egger Group, headquartered in St. Johann in Tyrol, is one of the leading international wood processing companies. The family-owned company, which was founded in 1961, today produces at 21 locations worldwide with around 11,100 employees. Its customers are the furniture industry, wood retailers, as well as DIY stores and home improvement stores.

    Speaker: Thomas Berger, Team Leader SAP System Operations at Egger Group

12.10 to 13.30

Exhibition and lunch

13.30 till 14.05

Automate basic operation

Ing. Nikolas Roggenbauer
Managing Director,

To ensure continuous business operations, SAP systems must be performant and secure.

Proactive and secure: This is how SAP support works today

Nadine Burghardt

Nadine Burghardt
Head of Application Lifecycle Management and SAP Technologies, Gambit Consulting

The classic SAP AMS is no longer up to date. How exactly modern SAP support today ensures more speed in the processes, higher performance of the systems and security in the system landscape - in this presentation you will find out!

14.05 till 14.40

Ways to a stable and secure SAP S/4 Hana Linux platform

Friedrich Krey, Suse

Friedrich Krey
Director SAP Market EMEA Central, Suse

Security, automation and high availability for S/4 hybrid cloud environments ensure operational stability during implementation and operation. On the way to an SAP Hybrid Cloud, the SUSE Technology Blueprint helps to implement the project in 7 steps in a structured way to ideally meet the requirements of the SAP application, on-prem or cloud.

The path to the SAP architecture of the future

Gerhard Pronegg, Natuvion

Mag. (FH) Gerhard Pronegg, Managing Director,
Natuvion Austria GmbH

What can we learn from previous integration projects? In many companies, the course is being set for the future SAP system architecture in the course of the S/4 transformation.

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    The S/4 conversion is more than a technical release upgrade. Ultimately, for many existing SAP customers, it is about the basis for an ERP architecture far beyond 2030. As a digital migration company, Natuvion Austria is a partner for the integration of modern cloud technologies. Based on a proof-of-concept that Natuvion implemented at the Tyrolean energy provider TIWAG, concrete use cases of cloud integration are presented.

    Speaker: Mag. (FH) Gerhard Pronegg

14.40 till 15.15

Successful S/4 Hana Transformation!

Petra Kelz, BSc, Program Manager S/4HANA Transformation, VERBUND

Mag. (FH) Ewald Grohar-Krassnig, MSc, Program Manager S/4 Hana Transformation VERBUND

The best of 2 worlds: hybrid project management

Experience with SAP Cloud ALM

Johannes Hurst, SNP

John Hurst
Vice President of Services Central Europe, SNP Deutschland GmbH

Rise with SAP at SNP: Experience with SAP Cloud ALM for operations and implementation when moving to the private cloud and upgrading.

15.15 till 16.00

Final discussion


End Summit

Summit Partner/Exhibitor

Michael Billensteiner
Tel: +43 2622 4710 121

Automate SAP Basis

With a cross-platform automation solution, an integrated discovery of your SAP systems and with out-of-the-box workflows, our automatics software manages to fully automate recurring SAP system operation tasks with just a few clicks, thus reducing dependencies, errors and risks in your daily business: SAP and DB patching; SAP Notes management; compliance checks and parameter management, and much more.
Oliver Wahrstötter
Managing Director
Phone: +43 699 / 174 79 200

SAP Development Made...Alive?!

ABAP is dead and SAP is obsolete. Many believe that. We understand that. Because with the wrong approach to SAP, this attitude can quickly become established. Development and code quality does not have to be complicated. SAP doesn't have to be dusty. Passion, innovation & deep conviction for the technology make the difference! With our tools and high-quality know-how transfer, we support independent work, inspire joy & bring our customers' SAP system landscape back to life.
Hans Haselbeck
Tel.: ++49-89-4423723-26

The automation specialist for your SAP infrastructure!

Whether fully automated system copies, the import of SAP kernel upgrades and patches across all systems, status queries, compliance checks, the querying and setting of SAP profile parameters - with our automation suite you can automate (almost) all tasks within the scope of system support. Whether for 20 or several hundred SAP systems is irrelevant. Fast installation, fast ROI, fast success.
Sandra Castelli
Product Marketing
+41 58 258 8027


As a leading full-service information and telecommunications provider, Fujitsu supports its customers in all aspects of digital transformation. To do this, the company combines IT services and products with forward-looking digital technologies - such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, analytics, digital annealing, and cloud and security solutions - and creates new value together with its customers and partners.

Nadine Burghardt
Head of ALM + SAP Technologies, Principal Consultant
+49 151 14 88 45 24

Emre Cetin
Sales Executive
+41 79 533 47 16

SAP with a wow effect

GAMBIT Consulting is a management, technology and SAP consulting company with locations in Germany and Switzerland. Our more than 200 employees are specialized in the implementation of SAP S/4HANA in industry and medium-sized businesses. We provide our customers with 360-degree support - from preliminary projects to roadmap and implementation to up-to-date SAP support with SAP ALM, Cloud ALM and SAP Technologies. SAP has awarded us several times for our services, among others as "SAP Gold Partner".
Nefer Lind
Fon: +49 40 32 80 86 - 70

Hybrid Business Process Automation & Monitoring

HONICO has made it its mission to facilitate your activities in SAP Basis. As an experienced provider of Business Workload Automation we control and manage your tasks centrally and across systems, on-prem and in the cloud. Model and visualize business processes such as the SAP payment run or MRP run using our no-code platform and benefit from automated alerts and clear monitoring that meets your compliance requirements.

Hendrik Ramke
+49 175 122 6388

The No. 1 in SAP licensing consulting

Sandmeier Consulting objectively advises SAP customers on autonomous decisions around SAP. Since 2009 leading in the SAP license consulting, our portfolio ranges from sound analysis and optimization (contracts, costs, architecture, risks) to the implementation of intelligent SAP license management. The goal of SAP license consulting is the optimization of SAP license and maintenance costs, the pursuit of a sound license strategy and the control of SAP license risks.

Natalie Hutterer (COO)
+43 732 220053

Brings transparency to your SAP® extensions

Sysparency's goal is to make software systems understandable and transparent. Sysparency is the market leader for automated analysis and documentation of SAP® custom programs and legacy enterprise software. With our SYSPARENCY docuWIKI, customers can understand how their SAP® extensions work, make their business software more efficient, upgrade to S/4 HANA, and significantly reduce the need for ABAP® and software development experts.

Summit Sponsors

Benjamin Kaulich

Data Migration International Group

The Swiss Data Migration International Group has been involved in data migration and data management for more than 20 years. The core of its offering is the JiVS IMP platform, which can be used to manage the entire lifecycle of corporate data independently of systems and applications. With the help of the JiVS IMP platform, users can reduce operating costs by 80 percent, halve the migration effort to new software generations and ensure 100 percent information access and legal security. JiVS IMP thus provides numerous well-known customers such as VW, BMW, Mercedes, NEVS, Siemens, Stadler Rail, ABB, ABInBev, ALSTOM, and Commerzbank. Cost advantages as well as more flexibility and agility.

Tanja Schöller
Head of Marketing & Business Development Scansor
Mobile +41 79 751 05 78

itesys, synonym for SAP Basis

Your success depends on a stable SAP system that is always up to date. We support large and small companies from all industries with all questions regarding SAP operation and SAP technology. Whether SAP operation on-premise or from the cloud, we have your SAP system under control, around the clock. Our secret? Managed SAP Services and expert know-how in SAP operation, SAP BTP, SAP Lifecycle Management, SAP Security, SAP ALM/SolMan and the SAP monitoring solution scansor. SAP Basis is our DNA.
Klaus Short
Sr. Director Solution Consulting
+49 172 8280 296

Bernd Stransky
Principal Solutions Consultant
+49 160 929 46030

Observability Technologies

New Relic's Observability technologies support the global engineering community with a data-driven methodology for the entire software lifecycle. For SAP applications, New Relic delivers New Relic Monitoring for SAP® Solutions A centralized view of infrastructure, applications, and business processes related to SAP systems and those of other vendors. This enables you to seamlessly resolve issues, continuously optimize uptime and stability, and directly increase your own innovation potential and growth through your customer experience.
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Working on the SAP basis is crucial for successful S/4 conversion. 

This gives the Competence Center strategic importance for existing SAP customers. Regardless of the S/4 Hana operating model, topics such as Automation, Monitoring, Security, Application Lifecycle Management and Data Management the basis for S/4 operations.

For the second time, E3 magazine is organizing a summit for the SAP community in Salzburg to provide comprehensive information on all aspects of S/4 Hana groundwork.


FourSide Hotel Salzburg,
Trademark Collection by Wyndham
Am Messezentrum 2, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Event date

Wednesday, May 21, and
Thursday, May 22, 2025

Regular ticket

EUR 590 excl. VAT

Informationen Teilnehmer:

Die nachfolgende Abfrage zur Altersgruppe dient rein statistischen Zwecken. Wir bitten Sie freundlicherweise um eine freiwillige Angabe.


Falls Sie hier Ihre E-Mailadresse angeben, wird Ihre Rechnung ausschließlich per E-Mail nach Veranstaltung an die angegebene Adresse gesendet.

Laut Steuergesetz müssen Firmenbezeichnungen in Rechnungen korrekt sein. Ihre eingegebenen Daten werden zur Rechnungsstellung übernommen.


Hotel Hilton Heidelberg
Kurfürstenanlage 1
D-69115 Heidelberg

Event date

Wednesday, April 22 and
Thursday, April 23, 2026


Regular ticket
EUR 590 excl. VAT
Early Bird Ticket
available until 1.10.2025
EUR 390 excl. VAT
The event is organized by the E3 magazine of the publishing house AG. The presentations will be accompanied by an exhibition of selected SAP partners. The ticket price includes attendance at all presentations of the Steampunk and BTP Summit 2026, a visit to the exhibition area, participation in the evening event and catering during the official program. The lecture program and the list of exhibitors and sponsors (SAP partners) will be published on this website in due course.

Informationen Teilnehmer:

Die nachfolgende Abfrage zur Altersgruppe dient rein statistischen Zwecken. Wir bitten Sie freundlicherweise um eine freiwillige Angabe.


Falls Sie hier Ihre E-Mailadresse angeben, wird Ihre Rechnung ausschließlich per E-Mail nach Veranstaltung an die angegebene Adresse gesendet.

Laut Steuergesetz müssen Firmenbezeichnungen in Rechnungen korrekt sein. Ihre eingegebenen Daten werden zur Rechnungsstellung übernommen.