E3 Category: The current keyword
The stage of our partners and friends! Here, people from the SAP community give their very individual perspective. The topic is self-selected, the platform is the independent E-3 magazine - information and educational work by and for the SAP community.
February 6, 2025
Which cloud is best for SAP Hana and how do the different providers compare? With how widespread SAP is, the security and performance of these systems are critical.
December 2, 2024
When George Stephenson applied for the first railroad line in England in 1825, the Paris Academy of Sciences wrote in a report for the British House of Commons that "the rapid movement of travelers could cause the so-called 'delirium furiosum'".
October 29, 2024
The cloud promises more security and stability for SAP systems. But unfortunately, this is only half the truth. Existing customers need more and automated monitoring to deliver on the promise, in the cloud as well as on-premises.
September 30, 2024
Summer. Sun. Barbecue season. A successful party usually includes beer, preferably fresh from the barrel. Austria's largest brewery company, Brau Union Österreich, offers its customers the opportunity to pick up the hoppy refreshment directly from more than forty locations.
July 25, 2024
SAP launched the Business Technology Platform, or BTP for short, a good three years ago. Usability and support are now almost flawless - not least thanks to the new system openness. A recap from the field.
June 19, 2024
Turning those affected into co-creators of the digital transformation in Germany's companies: this is the completely new concept developed to cure specialists and managers of their fear of digital change.
May 8, 2024
CCC managers are under pressure to act due to the S/4 Cloud strategy when it comes to SAP Basis. For decades, SAP Customer Competence Centers (CCC) have taken place only within individual companies, and have not been open to others.
April 2, 2024
The fact that S/4 Hana, as a completely new technology in the SAP universe, will have a fundamental impact on the current state of organizations has been known since its introduction in 2015. Since then, the topic has been an invisible elephant in the room for many companies.
March 6, 2024
SAP is an innovative company. It is constantly researching new technologies and the next generation of business software. Sometimes, however, the innovations are almost too far ahead of the reality of everyday customer life.
December 6, 2023
Christian Klein's keynote speech at the 2023 DSAG Annual Congress in Bremen, Germany, had it all. The SAP CEO announced that key innovations will only be available in the SAP cloud in future.
November 6, 2023
It is common knowledge that SAP is not satisfied with the success rate of migrating customers to S/4. Many members of the SAP community tend to take a wait-and-see approach when it comes to migrating to S/4 Hana.
September 25, 2023
Seven years of S/4 Hana - actually a reason to celebrate. But not for customers who have not yet taken the long and expensive step there.