E3 Category: Coverstory 15-12
E-3 Cover story December 2015/January 2016
December 4, 2015
More and more companies are turning to cloud solutions. In Germany, there are still security concerns. The termination of the Safe Harbor agreement between the USA and the EU is adding to this. With the appropriate know-how, companies can protect their data well.
December 4, 2015
With Industry 4.0, some topics are being reassessed: E-3 Editor-in-Chief Peter Färbinger spoke with G.I.B Managing Director Michael Schuster about the new importance of logistics and algorithms.
December 4, 2015
With intelligent add-ons, companies can harness the full power of the Hana real-time platform: Up to 90 percent performance gain, better basis for decision-making through access to new KPIs that could not be determined before, and more intuitive handling through new interfaces.
December 4, 2015
Big Data, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things are far more than just buzzwords and have long since found their way into our private lives and everyday business life. Digitization is also in the process of completely changing the SAP world. Data has long been considered the new petroleum. Experts from the Siegen-based software manufacturer G.I.B. explain how SMEs can leverage this potential.
November 26, 2015
Digital transformation is not a reduction to the binary system of digital electronics, but the creation of new business processes based on digital technology. Disposition, logistics, perfect plant, supply chain management are almost perfectly digitized. However, IoT, the Internet of Things, is triggering a "Digital Tsunami". Björn Dunkel, member of the management board of SAP partner G.I.B, talks about the changes...