About us
The global and independent platform for the SAP community.
For more than ten years now, we have been reporting critically and constructively directly from the SAP community.
Our close networking with SAP users, technicians, programmers, many CEOs, CTOs and CIOs as well as researchers and professors from the university environment makes it possible for us to always be up-to-date. This allows us to keep regaling our readers with new and exciting topics from HR, business, management and infrastructure.
Classic, good journalism. But that is by no means everything.
In order to achieve the best reading experience for you, our readers, our team works every day to improve and expand it with state-of-the-art methods and techniques. Now this may sound like a very highfalutin euphemism for beautiful articles, but there is much more to it than that.
For example, our online department works with semantic linking, which enables us to automatically show you similar articles that might also interest you. And we're not talking about listing articles from the same category, but articles that fit together despite different subject areas, complement each other, or look at topics from a different angle.
The community idea is also very much at the center of our work. So everyone is welcome to write and submit contributions, which will then be reviewed by us and, at best, published.