Orientation for us! Where is Hana?
In the meantime, Walldorf has an answer for every IT task:
- E-procurement with Ariba
- E-commerce with Hybris
- HCM/HR SaaS with SuccessFactors
- Business Intelligence with BusinessObjects
- Mobile computing with Sybase, plus cloud as well as in-memory computing
- the NetWeaver platform
- Abap
- SolMan
- ECC 6.0
- and the Business Suite
Hana may or may not be available everywhere. This doubles the almost unmanageable SAP offering in one fell swoop.
Now orientation is required!
Hana is the paradigm in Walldorf and is mantra-like preached by every SAP employee.
The community and the existing customer stand in front of it in amazement, wondering if they have just missed out on the greatest IT revolution of all time.
Even four years after the official launch of the Hana in-memory database, most existing SAP customers do not know how to evaluate and classify this offering from Walldorf - interest is therefore also very low, as the DSAG investment survey shows.
But now we want to know exactly: Despite moderate interest in Hana, we are launching the largest survey in the German-speaking SAP community.
Together with university professor Alfred Taudes and his start-up, we will introduce a completely new type of market research to the SAP community. Whoever participates wins!
Each answer is processed according to mathematical algorithms to create a unique Hana market map. These maps then serve everyone for orientation, in an increasingly complex IT landscape.
These Hana maps are very easy to read: areas of answers with similar characteristics are colored like the countries on a real map.
If company and product names are written large and bold, they have correspondingly high significance, just as cities with millions of inhabitants are shown differently on a map than small villages.
Properties of companies and products occupy areas in the Hana map and show opportunities and threats similar to steep mountains, swamplands and vast plains in a real map.
Our Hana market maps are understood by everyone and also serve as orientation for everyone.
It is therefore particularly important that everyone in the SAP community participates:
- User
- Consultant
- Students and professors
- Partners and also SAP employees
The motto of the hour - orientation for us!
The more members from the German-speaking SAP community participate, the more precise and meaningful the map will be.
Then the question can be "Where does Hana stand?" answer exactly and everyone can successfully use the map for orientation in the SAP landscape.
The first results should be available in E-3 September. In parallel, we will write a white paper together with Professor Taudes.
Here we go:
As of Thursday, July 10, the website for the survey will be online - please make a note of it, keep counting and participate. Thank you!