25 years of partnership at eye level
As one of the 46 SAP user associations worldwide, DSAG has repeatedly succeeded in making its customers' voices heard over the past 25 years. "In 2000, SAP formally granted DSAG a leading role among European SAP user groups. At that time, SAP accepted us as a partner at eye level. This was mainly due to the fact that we presented ourselves to SAP professionally and with know-how.says Jens Hungershausen, DSAG Chairman of the Board. DSAG was founded by 15 committed SAP users from various companies. Today, more than 60,000 users from over 3,800 companies are organized within the interest group.
In recent years, DSAG's topics have become more diverse - also due to developments around the cloud and digital transformation. Nevertheless, there are also constant topics, such as licenses, maintenance and integration, where DSAG and SAP often have to find a compromise. Thus, SAP and DSAG will not run out of topics in the next 25 years. "It's a constant give and take - and that's what makes our collaboration so successful"Jens Hungershausen is certain and adds: "Here's to another exciting 25 years!